ソメヤ サトシ SOMEYA Satoshi
染矢 聡
所属 東京電機大学 工学部 機械工学科
職種 教授
発表年月日 2010/10/29
発表テーマ 1010 Visualization Study of Cavity Tone in Coaxial Side Branches using Dynamic PIV
会議名 Fluids engineering conference ...
主催者 The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers
発表形式 その他
開催期間 2010/10/29 ~ 2010/10/29
発表者・共同発表者 LI Yanrong,SOMEYA Satoshi,OKAMOTO Koji
概要 Flow-induced acoustic resonance in a piping system containing closed coaxial side branches was investigated experimentally. Dominant frequency and arbitrary scale power of the frequency spectrum as functions of the flow rate in the main pipe was obtained by a microphone. The results reveal that the dominant frequency was locked to five different values with relatively high acoustic powers. These fixed frequencies indicate that five different acoustic modes are generated when the flow rate in the main pipe increased gradually. The lock-in frequencies were in good agreement with the results calculated from an empirical equation. The time-averaged velocity fields corresponding to the second hydrodynamic oscillation mode were also demonstrated at various phase of the acoustic cycle.
researchmap用URL http://ci.nii.ac.jp/naid/110008739544