ソメヤ サトシ SOMEYA Satoshi
染矢 聡
所属 東京電機大学 工学部 機械工学科
職種 教授
発表年月日 2013/12/01
発表テーマ Developing a CCS communication framework for Japan
会議名 Energy Procedia
発表形式 その他
発表者・共同発表者 Hidemitsu Shimada,Tsukasa Kumagai,Hiroyasu Takase,Ian McKinley,Satoshi Someya,Toshihiko Miyagawa,Angus Henderson,Sean McClowry
概要 The project "Developing a CCS communication framework for Japan" aims to test a prototype Knowledge Management System (KMS) on a pilot scale, with a view to more broadly utilizing the methodology in an international context. For this purpose, an on-line community was formed, involving CCS experts (10 to 15) from major Japanese CCS-related organizations. The Global CCS Institute provided its digital platform to facilitate communication between members of the community. One of the toolkits, an "argumentation model", is developed to support structured and effective knowledge sharing. Arguments, evidence and criticisms that were identified through on-line discussion were structured in a hierarchy to form an argumentation model that overviews the justification for the claim that CCS is an effective measure to mitigate global warming in general and its effects on Japan in particular. The argumentation model provides a useful overview of arguments relating to CCS with explanation of background knowledge, supported by linked evidence and quantitative data. In addition, through the series of online discussions conducted during this project, a number of lessons have been learned in terms of encouraging active participation of knowledge sharing network members.
researchmap用URL http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?partnerID=HzOxMe3b&scp=84898719893&origin=inward