ソメヤ サトシ SOMEYA Satoshi
染矢 聡
所属 東京電機大学 工学部 機械工学科
職種 教授
発表年月日 2015/09/13
発表テーマ F051003 加熱円柱周りの温度速度同時計測
会議名 年次大会 : Mechanical Engineering Congress, Japan
主催者 一般社団法人日本機械学会
発表形式 その他
開催期間 2015/09/13 ~ 2015/09/13
発表者・共同発表者 染矢 聡
概要 We had proposed a lifetime-based simultaneous measurement method of temperature and velocity and applied it to several liquid or gaseous flow fields. Temperature sensitive luminescent particles were dispersed into a flow. The luminescent lifetime indicates temperature and the particle displacement shows velocity. This study focused on the uncertainty and applicability of the proposed method. Measurement errors were analyzed by using simulated ideal images. When the displacement was smaller than 8 pixels between images, velocity measurement errors were at the same level as that of traditional PIV method. The errors of temperature (lifetime) calculation became large with the displacement over 8pixels during a decay. Then, we measured temperature and velocity of gaseous flow around a heating cylinder. The experimentally measured results were compared with numerical ones.Key Words : Flow visualization, Temperature, Velocity, Combined measurement, Temperature Sensitive ParticlesWe had proposed a lifetime-based simultaneous measurement method of temperature and velocity and applied it to several liquid or gaseous flow fields. Temperature sensitive luminescent particles were dispersed into a flow. The luminescent lifetime indicates temperature and the particle displacement shows velocity. This study focused on the uncertainty and applicability of the proposed method. Measurement errors were analyzed by using simulated ideal images. When the displacement was smaller than 8 pixels between images, velocity measurement errors were at the same level as that of traditional PIV method. The errors of temperature (lifetime) calculation became large with the displacement over 8pixels during a decay. Then, we measured temperature and velocity of gaseous flow around a heating cylinder. The experimentally measured results were compared with numerical ones.