モロオカ チヒロ MOROOKA Chihiro
諸岡 千裕
所属 東京電機大学 理工学部 共通教育群
職種 助教(任期付)
言語種別 英語
発行・発表の年月 2020
形態種別 学術研究論文
査読 査読あり
標題 Inefficiency in alternately repeated coordination games with dynastic preferences
執筆形態 単著
掲載誌名 Economics Bulletin
掲載区分 国外
巻・号・頁 40(4),1-5
著者・共著者 Chihiro Morooka
概要 This study investigates a specific model of alternately repeated pure coordination games with overlapping generations, where the one-shot game has multiple Pareto-ranked Nash equilibria. We consider the case in whichthe payoff of each player is affected by the outcome after his retirement as well as the outcome during his participation. Unlike the preceding results on alternately repeated coordination games where only the Pareto-efficient outcome is obtained in equilibria, we show that an inefficient equilibrium arises in our model.
ISSNコード 15452921
Put Code(ORCID) 94314907