ヤマダ コウイチ YAMADA Koichi
山田 剛一
所属 東京電機大学 未来科学部 情報メディア学科
職種 講師
発表年月日 2007/11/08
発表テーマ TomuDB: Multi-Resolution Queries in Heterogeneous Sensor Networks Through Overlay Network
会議名 5th ACM Conference on Embeded Networked Sensor Systems (ACM SenSys 2007)
主催者 ACM
開催地名 Sydney, Australia
学会区分 国際学会
発表形式 ポスター
単独共同区分 共同
発表者・共同発表者 Yoh Shiraishi, Niwat Thepvilojanapong, Yosuke Tamura, Tatsuro Endo, Koichi Yamada, Nayuta Ishii, Hiroki Ishizuka, Keisuke Kanai, Yoshito Tobe
概要 Querying in heterogeneous sensor networks is a challenging research issue due to a variety of real-world queries depending on users' preferences. Examples of queries are weather, nearby restaurants, navigation, etc. Users may ask for a breezy path starting from distinct points to distinct train stations. Sensing data collected from wide areas (city or country level) are needed to provide the real-world search as a service for users. Therefore, another challenge is a collaboration of heterogenous sensor networks because deploying sensors in wide areas is impractical. SensorMap [1] collects sensing data from independent sensor networks by allowing data owners to publish their data on the web. Sensing data from all owners are sent to a centric storage in SensorMap. However, distributed data storage is likely to be an efficient solution comparing to a centric storage in which bottleneck always occurs.
researchmap用URL https://doi.org/10.1145/1322263.1322325
researchmap用URL2 https://dl.acm.org/doi/10.1145/1322263.1322325