カワベ タカシ KAWABE Takashi
川邉 孝
所属 東京電機大学 システムデザイン工学部 人間科学系列(システムデザイン工学部)
東京電機大学 情報環境学部 情報環境学科
職種 教授
発表年月日 2015/11/25
発表テーマ "A Refined Case Based Genetic Algorithm for Intelligent Route Optimization"
会議名 The Eleventh International Conference on Signal-Image Technology and Internet-Based Systems (SITIS 2015)
開催地名 Bangkok, Thailand
学会区分 国際学会
発表形式 口頭(一般)
単独共同区分 共同
概要 This paper introduces a refined knowledge based approach to make Genetic Algorithms (GA) more effective. A concept called Case Based Reasoning (CBR) is combined with GA. This technology uses former solutions to the problem for
deriving new solutions. The contribution of this CBR combination is a Case Base Maintenance technology that cares for both diversity and fitness in population. Former solutions namely, former problem's GA's solutions whose human/culture
related problems are modified by human (expert) support, is maintained, selected, and used as GA's initial population for new but usually more than 80% similar problems. This technology weakens the factor "accidence" in favor of fitness and diversity balanced search especially towards human/culture related
optimality. Instead of hoping for "accidentally good solutions" such technologies create "intentionally good solutions".